Yoga Teacher Training in Ireland
July 2025 - 200 hour TTC
We're bringing our world famous Yoga Teacher Training programme to Europe this summer
2 Jul 2025 - 26 Jul 2025

Twice a year in Europe

We only bring our training to Europe once a year, to our second home in Ireland. It’s your opportunity to get traditional teaching close to home.

Summer in beautiful Cork

This is our eleventh year in the beautiful Irish city of Cork. We love the place so much that we now have two established Yoga Centres in the city.

Our expert teaching team

We have one of the best yoga training teams there is and we bring our same world renowned team over from India to train with you in Cork.


We are a Registered Yoga School (RYS) with Yoga Alliance US and Canadian Yoga Alliance, which means when you graduate from our 200hr Yoga Teacher Training you are automatically eligible to become a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with any of these major certification bodies. Our course syllabus also exceeds the requirements for all other alliances so you will be able to register with any yoga certification body in the world.

I would very highly recommend this yoga teacher training for those wanting to learn yoga from a traditional... I cannot express enough how grateful I am for choosing Himalaya Yoga Valley to equip me with the tools I needed to feel confident as a teacher. The course had the perfect balance between all elements of traditional yoga. The teachers were experienced, supportive, and knowledgeable across the board. I felt extremely safe throughout my time at the yoga centre, which was something I felt a little apprehensive about before embarking on my journey. I would highly recommend this teacher training for those wanting to learn from a traditional school that's close to the source of the yoga.

Yoga Teacher Training Graduate

An authentic and integrative Teacher Training course in beautiful and safe Goa... Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre provides its students with an authentic and integrative Teacher Training course in beautiful and safe Goa, India. Studying under the supervision of Yogacharya Lalit provides you with a depth of knowledge in many facets of the yogic practice and lifestyle. You’ll leave as a lifelong student with values in accessibility, integrity, and respect towards an ancient lineage. The facility is beautiful; the villas are so clean and comfortable. It was a life changing experience, one which I'll never forget. I highly recommend Himalaya Yoga Valley for your Yoga Teacher Training.

Yoga Teacher Training Graduate

Training Details


  • Yoga Asana
  • Yoga Asana Adjustments
  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Mantra Chanting
  • Chakras
  • Ayurveda
  • Mudras
  • Pranayama
  • Meditation

Skill Level

Our Yoga Teacher Training programme is perfect for yoga practitioners who…

Want to become a certified Yoga Teacher
Our training is designed to gradually build your confidence in actually teaching a yoga class. So when you leave you’ll have all of the skills and knowledge you need to start your new life as a Yoga Teacher.

Want to elevate their personal knowledge and practice
Lots of people have taken our trainings with no plans to become a Yoga Teacher and just want to build their knowledge of yoga and improve their personal practice. Our four week course is the perfect foundation for anyone who simply wants to learn traditional yoga and integrate this incredible practice into their life.

Style of yoga

During the Yoga Teacher Training programme you will learn a unique blend of traditional yoga styles:

Ashtanga Vinyasa
Our Level I Yoga Teacher Training Practice Sequence is founded in the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series, a dynamic and flowing style of yoga that builds strength, flexibility and focus.

Iyengar Yoga
To compliment the Ashtanga style we also teach the fundamentals of Iyengar yoga, particularly focusing on precise alignment in poses, and the use of props and modifications to make the practice safe and accessible for all levels.

Himalayan Tradition of Yoga Meditation
Our school director Yogacharya Lalit is a student of a long tradition of yoga from a direct line of Himalayan Masters. Lalit studied under his master Swami Veda Bhati and Grandmaster Swami Rama, who founded the famous Himalayan Institute, and on our Yoga Teacher Training you will learn meditation and philosophy in alignment with this ancient lineage.

Typical Daily Schedule

7:00am Morning Meditation, Chanting and Pranayama
8:00am Break and reflective journal writing
8:30am Yoga Asana Practice
10:00am Break
11:00am Morning Lecture
1:00pm Break/Free Time
3:00pm Afternoon Lecture
4:15pm Break
4:30pm Yoga Asana Practice/Workshop



Staying in Cork
Our Yoga Teacher Training in Cork is non-residential. We have a number of recommended accommodation options in the city that are affordable, clean and just minutes from your training location.

Training Locations
Your daily asana classes, workshops and lectures will be in St Aloysious School, in their beautiful Victorian school’s library and hall. The school is right by the River Lee just a few minutes walk from the city centre.

Welcome to

Find out just why it’s called The City of Welcomes, and enjoy four weeks of summer in the idyllic Irish city of Cork. It’s been voted as one of the world’s top 10 city destinations for the last several years by Lonely Planet. Not only is Cork a beautiful historic place, it’s also Ireland’s most exciting and vibrant city of culture.

Airport: Cork International

No Visa required for EU residents

3 month Visa On Entry for US, Canada and Australian citizens.

Our Cork Graduates

Making friends and connections for life and growing together, Yoga Teacher Training is a life changing experience full of amazing memories that you’ll cherish forever.

Meet the team

Yogacharya Lalit

Founding Director
Lalit is the founder of Himalaya Yoga Valley and lead teacher on our Yoga Teacher Trainings.


Programme Director
Maeve coordinates our courses as well as teaching Yoga Business, ethics and management.


Philosophy Teacher
With Viriam you will explore the ancient philosophy, history and wisdom of yoga.


Anatomy Teacher
In Adam’s lectures you’ll not only explore anatomy but also our systems, facia and much more.

Dr Rohit

Ayurveda teacher
Dr Rohit is a world renowned Ayurvedic doctor, and he will be teaching your Ayurveda lectures.


Senior Yoga Teacher
As well as helping to coordinate the training Tony supports Lalit in the Shala and asana lectures.


Yoga Teacher
With Mandeep you will learn traditional sanskrit chanting, meditation and pranayama.


Senior Yoga Teacher
As Senior Yoga Teacher, Lisa shares her experience and knowledge with trainee teachers.

Our team in action

We bring our same amazing teaching team over from our centre in India to teach on the Yoga Teacher Training in Cork. Unlike most other programmes we have a dedicated teaching team who are each specialists in their fields.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Ireland | 2 Jul 2025 - 26 Jul 2025

Complete your certification 24 straight days- or consider our Hybrid program which is 11 days in person and

Course fees include all tuition, course materials, training uniforms, and Yoga Alliance certificate.

Enrollment Process

It's so easy to get enrolled on a Yoga Teacher Training with us. Just make an application, wait for our approval and pay your deposit...that's it! We'll be there to help you plan your trip so your journey to India is hassle-free.

Step 1

Apply Today

Apply today

Let us know you would like to join us by completing our short application form. We’ll we’ll get back to you within 48 hours.

Step 2



We’ll let you know by email if your application has been approved, then send you details to confirm your place by deposit payment.

Step 3

Plan your trip

Plan your trip

Once we’ve received your deposit you can start planning your trip! We’ll be there to help you with your planning and preparation.

Want to know more about 200hr Yoga Teacher Training?

Download our Yoga Teacher Training prospectus and get to know all about the programme in your own time.

Book A Call With Us